Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Ronin Artist

Ronins were Japanese Samurai who served no masters. They failed to fulfill their duties and thus became outcasts. They did not choose the path of redemption by committing the seppuku or honorable death and many are branded as cowards. They have chosen to live in exile accepting small jobs as bodyguards and mercenaries for a fee. They aimlessly wander the land looking for ways to regain their honor.

Like the famed Miyamoto Musashi and the 47 ronins, the wandering Samurai helped changed the history of Japan. Many believed that their services does not simply end after failures and thus continued to live as outcasts until they fulfilled what they believed were expected of them. Someday, the modern Ronins too could help shape the history of mankind if they strive to do what they believe is expected of them.

Like the Ronin's I refuse to give up after falling so many times. I will pick up the pieces of failures and mold them back into new ideas and new visions. I too am willing to go the distance and find my way to earn my honor and my heroes welcome waiting there somewhere.

Ronin Artist